The Elder Scrolls Sandbox
The Elder Scrolls Sandbox

Andromedas, also known as Land of Elyks, is a large nation in the northern sector of Barachis. The entire area is covered in dense and large rainforests, forests & clifflands along the coast. To the far north in place such as Tembre Island (Left Top Island In Map) it can occasionally snow, causing dramatic environmental clashes. It is home to the Elyk, a race of half goat, half human beastial race.


Andromedas itself is a huge forest. It holds 4 cities, Secreil Tein (The capital) to the south east, accompanies by the Secreil Tein river. Veile Situri to the north, which in the winter and autumn months is covered in a frosting of snow and ice. Saturas Emel to the far south, in the shadow of Tython's Maze, a sacred and ancient labyrinth, and finally Puras Vi which lies just north of Tython's Maze with an outstanding cliffside view of Tembre Island with it's large ebony pillar.
