The Elder Scrolls Sandbox
The Elder Scrolls Sandbox

"I hate Humanity, we are incredibly flawed creatures and we are better off dead but my idea is to take over Humanity and create order"- Sebastian

Sebastian Windblade was a powerful sorcerer in Nirn and a former member of the Mages Guild and Time Lords.

He is known by his proclaim title the King of Time and became worship as a god by an cult called The Clockwork Order. He begin his magical studies in the Arcane University and went on to create technological stuff for others as a way to advance humanity throughout later parts of his life but do to a failed experiment that he was working on, he disappear for 50 years and was never seen again.

After 50 years has passed, he return to Nirn but as a different man a more bitter and spiteful man that can control and manipulate time and space.


Sebastian came from a noble family named the Windblades(who were a powerful family known for their amazing skills and powers in magic) he was raised in a decent household and gained proper education until he discovered his abilities in magic and his family sent him to the Arcane University where he would become one the most powerful sorcerer and student there.

Sebastian now became one of the most powerful sorcerer in Tamriel and wanted to use his power for his own ambitions but also wanted to advance and help humanity. He worked with a scientist named Dr. Vilksmith to help create new technology and advancements for the human species or maybe the whole world but Sebastian holds strange views on the world and starts to hate humanity do to the fact he finds them hard to work with and witness many horrible things that humans has done and its history with violence. It gets to that point, where people believe that he is not entirely human but a half elf and rumors spread that he was a dark sorcerer that wanted to control humanity but these rumors were not provin. one day, Sebastian and Vilksmith were making a portal to travel other worlds and universes until Vilksmith started to grow jealous of Sebastian's status and power so he sabotage the portal causing it to malfunction.

The portal started to malfunction and sucked Sebastian to an unknown world to never be seen again and was missing for over 50 years. Sebastian would later found himself in the world of the time lords and they took him in and he was trained under the ways of the time lords and he was treated respectfully and kindly by their leader Marcnasis. Sebastian continues to be with them for 6 years until Marcnasis death and replace by Geo after that he starts to travel to other worlds and universes and gain new knowledge for exploring the new worlds and starts to develop the belief that humanity is doom and should be saved from their own destruction.

Sebastians return[]

After 50 years has passed Sebastian return to Nirn to takeover humanity and try to spread order with the power he holds but failed many times over the years to complete his plan and always loses to his arch enemy Cole Valrion. over the years he is seen as a great evil ready for the downfall of humanity but was defeated many times before but continues to return for several years.

The Birth of the Clockwork Order[]

At some point after Sebastian's several returns, a man named Vladimir Bones founded a cult called the Clockwork Order that worships Sebastian Windblade as a god that should control humanity. Vladimir taught many people the ways to hate and reject humanity and how to improve it but Vladimir continue to study dwemer technology and Time Lord technology and try to make implants for his followers making them less human. Sebastian discover the cult and liked how intelligent they are and believe they should replace humanity by intellect. The cult attracted many people from mages to high elves that made their way to the cult filled with radical ideas, Sebastian and the cult would continue to spread fear around Tamriel.
